• About Us

Who we are…

Mulium Consulting is part of Mulium Holding LLC  which includes several companies providing services to businesses and professionals. Over the years, Mulium has stipulated contracts for external collaboration with various specialists in various sectors, in order to expand the range of services to be offered to its customers.

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What we do…

Mulium offers logistical support and not to companies and professionals. Mainly every commercial or industrial activity specializes in its sector, but as the market is always in transformation, there comes a point where we need to adapt and change something, entering into unknown fields, and it is there that Mulium intervenes to support businesses.

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How we do it…

The Mulium experts always move with the utmost professionalism and maximum discretion. Sometimes asking for support turns out to be difficult, and especially intervening in an external activity is often impossible without breaking the balance. For this the members of our staff move next to the customer following him step by step in every operation.

Our philosophy…

When our founding fathers met for the first time, a discussion arose about how leadership is important for running a business.

Knowing not to know, critical conscience, curiosity, openness of mind, rejection of the impossible, humility in asking and giving help, having patience and knowing how to move in small steps.

These words still echo today among the members of Mulium, and this is how all the staff moves in every direction.

Our idea…

As we used to do when we were child and were playing with buildings, our idea is to put a small brick at a time on another small brick to become a global leader in all-round consulting for any kind of activity .